Notes from Toppers

Detailed notes on chemical bonds for JEE exam

1. Ionic Bonding

  • Formation and properties of ionic compounds:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 81-84.
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 8, page 201-206.
  • Lattice energy and its calculation:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 8, page 210-214.
  • Born-Haber cycle and its applications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 8, page 205-207.
  • Polarizing power and its effects:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 9, page 231-234.

2. Covalent Bonding:

  • Lewis dot structure and their significance:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 72-78.
  • Valence bond theory and its postulates:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 78-81.
  • Hybridization of atomic orbitals and its consequences:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 84-88.
  • Molecular orbital theory and its applications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 89-96.
  • Delocalization of electrons and resonance structures:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 12, page 301-310.

3. Hydrogen Bonding:

  • Nature and types of hydrogen bonds:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 112-115.
  • Hydrogen bonding in various compounds and its impact on their properties:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 115-119.
  • Intermolecular and intramolecular hydrogen bonding:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 118-119.

4. Van der Waals Forces:

  • London dispersion forces and their origin:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 109-110.
  • Dipole-dipole interactions and their significance:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 109-110.
  • Induced dipole-dipole interactions and their effects:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 111.

5. Metallic Bonding:

  • Electron sea model and its implications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 120-121.
  • Metallic properties and their relation to metallic bonding:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 121-122.
  • Alloys and their formations:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 6, page 163-166.

6. Bond Parameters:

  • Bond length, bond angle, and bond energy:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 97-100.
  • Trends in bond parameters across the periodic table:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 97-100.

7. Chemical Bonding and Physical Properties:

  • Relationship between chemical bonding and physical properties such as melting point, boiling point, solubility, and electrical conductivity:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 122-124

8. Molecular Structure and Bonding:

  • VSEPR theory and its predictions:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 100-106.
  • Shapes of molecules and their implications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 4, page 100-106.
  • Polarity of molecules and its determinations:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 11, page 267-273.

9. Quantum Mechanical Approach to Bonding:

  • Basic concepts of quantum mechanics:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 12, page 279-282.
  • Wave-particle duality and its implications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 12, page 282-284.
  • Schrödinger equation and its applications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 12, page 284-292.

10. Bonding in Coordination Compounds:

  • Werner’s coordination theory:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 9, page 235-238.
  • Ligands and their classifications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 9, page 227-231.
  • Coordination complexes and their structures:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 9, page 238-245.
  • Crystal field theory and its applications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 9, page 246-255.

11. Bond Energetics

  • Bond dissociation energy and its significance:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 11, chapter 5, page 141-142.
  • Thermochemistry of chemical reactions:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 1, page 11-20.
  • Hess’s law and its applications:
  • NCERT Chemistry class 12, chapter 1, page 19-20.